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data attribute
    UserDict module 
    UserList module 
    UserString module 
data types 
    Boolean values 
    Python versions 
data_files argument (distutils setup function) 
Database API  [See DBAPI 2.0]
dataReceived method (Protocol object) 
date attribute (DateTime class) 
Date function
    DBAPI-compliant modules 
    mx.DateTime module 
date/time values  [See also calendar module; time operations]
    compressed files 
    computing moveable feast days 
    current CPU time, retrieving 
    directory paths 
    internationalization and 
    in ISO 8601 formats 
date_time attribute (zipfile module) 
DateFromTicks function
    DBAPI-compliant modules 
    mx.DateTime module 
DateTime class (mx.DateTime module) 
    absdate attribute 
    absdays attribute 
    abstime attribute 
    absvalues method 
    COMDate method 
    date attribute 
    day attribute 
    day_of_week attribute 
    day_of_year attribute 
    dst attribute 
    gmticks method 
    gmtime method 
    gmtoffset method 
    hour attribute 
    iso_week attribute 
    localtime method 
    minute attribute 
    month attribute 
    second attribute 
    strftime method 
    ticks method 
    tuple method 
    year attribute 
DateTime class (xmlrpclib module) 
DateTime function (mx.DateTime module) 
DateTimeDelta class (mx.DateTime module) 
    absvalues method 
    DateTimeDelta function 
    DateTimeDeltaFrom function 
    DateTimeDeltaFromSeconds function 
    day attribute 
    days attribute 
    hour attribute 
    hours attribute 
    minute attributes 
    minutes attribute 
    second attribute 
    seconds attribute 
    strftime method 
    TimeDelta function 
    TimeDeltaFrom function 
    TimeFromTicks function 
    tuple method 
DateTimeDelta function (DateTimeDelta class) 
DateTimeDeltaFrom function (DateTimeDelta class) 
DateTimeDeltaFromSeconds function (DateTimeDelta class) 
DateTimeFrom function (mx.DateTime module) 
DateTimeFromAbsDays function (mx.DateTime module) 
DateTimeFromCOMDays function (mx.DateTime module) 
day attribute
    DateTime class 
    DateTimeDelta class 
day_of_week attribute (DateTime class) 
day_of_year attribute (DateTime class) 
Daylight Saving Time (DST) 
days attribute (DateTimeDelta class) 
DB2 module 
DBAPI 2.0 (Database API 2.0)  2nd  [See also bsddb module][See also bsddb module]3rd 
    -compliant modules  2nd 
    connect function 
    connection object 
    Cursor object 
    type-description attributes 
DBAPI 3.0 
dbhash module 
    open function 
dbm library 
dbm module  2nd 
DBM modules 
    anydbm module 
    bsddb module 
    dbm/gdbm/dbhash modules 
    dumbdbm module 
    whichdb module 
DCOracle2 module 
Debian GNU/Linux, installing Python 
__debug__ variable (built-in) 
debugging  2nd  3rd 
    CGI scripts  2nd 
    in IDLE 
    inspect module 
    pdb module 
    print statement and 
    race conditions 
    traceback module 
    warnings module 
December attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
decimal literals  2nd 
decode function
    base64 module 
    quopri module 
    Utils module 
    uu module 
decodestring function
    base64 module 
    quopri module 
decompress function (zlib module) 
deepcopy function (copy module) 
def statement  2nd  3rd 
default function (cmd module) 
default search path, designating 
define_macros argument (distutils Extension class) 
    functions in class body 
defpath attribute (os module) 
deiconify method (Toplevel object) 
__del__ special method 
del statements  2nd 
delattr function (built-in) 
__delattr__ special method  2nd 
delch method (Window object) 
dele method (POP3 object) 
delete method
    Canvas object 
    Entry object 
    FTP object 
    Listbox object 
    Menu object 
    Text object 
deleteln method (Window object) 
deleting attributes 
delimiters, list of 
delitem method (operator module) 
__delitem__ special method 
delslice method (operator module) 
denial-of-service attacks  [See security, denial-of-service attacks]
DeprecationWarning class 
description argument (distutils setup function) 
description attribute (Cursor object) 
deselect method
    Checkbutton object 
    Radiobutton object 
destructor  [See __del__ special method]
development environments 
    text editors with Python support 
diagonal function (Numeric module) 
__dict__ attribute
    module object 
    class object 
dict type (built-in)  2nd 
    dictionary items 
    dictionary keys 
    exec statement and 
    listing loaded module names 
    operations on 
    optimizing operations on 
    representing current local namespace 
dictionary object (dict type)
    clear method 
    copy method 
    get method 
    has_key method 
    items method 
    iteritems method 
    iterkeys method 
    itervalues method 
    keys method 
    popitem method 
    setdefault method 
    update method 
    values method 
DictionaryType attribute (types module) 
DictType attribute (types module) 
digits attribute (string module) 
dir function (built-in) 
dircmp function (filecmp module) 
directory paths
    absolute, retrieving name of 
    base name of, retrieving 
    current working directory
        returning path of 
    distribution utilities 
    information about, retrieving 
    mount points 
    normalized names, retrieving 
    parent directory 
    removing  2nd 
    separator between lists of 
    setting time on 
    specifying when module loading 
    symbolic links to 
dirname function (os.path module) 
disable command (pdb module) 
disable function (gc module)  2nd 
dispatcher class (asyncore module) 
    create_socket method 
    handle_accept method 
    handle_close method 
    handle_connect method 
    handle_read method 
    handle_write method 
displayhook function (sys module) 
disposition attribute (FieldStorage object) 
disposition_options attribute (FieldStorage object) 
distributed computing 
distribution root directory 
    setup.py script 
distribution utilities  [See distutils]
    root directory of 
distutils (distribution utilities)  2nd 
    creating prebuilt distributions 
    distribution contents 
    distribution root directory 
    distutils module, Extensions class 
    distutils module, setup function 
    distutils package 
    MANIFEST files 
    providing metadata about distribution 
    setup.cfg file 
    setup.py script 
div method (operator module) 
__div__ special method 
divmod function (built-in)  2nd 
__divmod__ special method 
.dll files 
DLLs (dynamic load libraries) 
    interoperability of Python release and debugging builds 
DNS (Domain Name System) 
do_help function (cmd module) 
do_tag method
    HTMLParser object 
    sgmllib module 
__doc__ attribute
    class object 
    module object 
docstrings  2nd  3rd 
doctest module 
doctype attribute (Document object) 
Document class (minidom module)  2nd 
    createComment method 
    createElement method 
    createTextNode method 
    doctype attribute 
    DocumentElement attribute 
    getElementById method 
    getElementsByTagName method 
    getElementsByTagNameNS method 
Document Object Model  [See DOM, parsing XML]
Document Type Definition (DTD) 
    embedding/extending Python 
documentation strings  [See docstrings]2nd  [See docstrings]
documentElement attribute (Document object) 
dollar sign ($)
    MULTILINE attribute 
    regular expressions 
DOM (Document Object Model), parsing XML  2nd  [See also minidom module]
    minidom module 
    pulldom module 
    xml.dom package 
Domain Name System (DNS) 
DOMEventStream class (pulldom module) 
DOMException class (xml.dom package) 
DOTALL attribute (re module) 
double quote ("), string literals 
down command (pdb module) 
DST (Daylight Saving Time) 
dst attribute (DateTime class) 
DTD (Document Type Definition) 
dumbdbm module 
    open function 
DumbWriter class (formatter module) 
dump/dumps functions
    marshal module 
    pickle/cPickle modules 
dump_address_pair function (Utils module) 
dup/dup2 functions (os module) 
dynamic execution 
dynamic load libraries  [See DLLs]