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W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 
wait method
    Condition class 
    Event object 
wait_variable method (Widget object) 
wait_visibility method (Widget object) 
wait_window method (Widget object) 
walk function (os.path module) 
walk method (Message object) 
warn function (warnings module) 
warnings module 
    filterwarnings function 
    formatwarning function 
    resetwarnings function 
    showwarning function 
    warn function 
WConio module 
weak references 
WeakKeyDictionary class (weakref module) 
weakref module  2nd 
    getweakrefcount function 
    getweakrefs function 
    proxy function 
    ref function 
    WeakKeyDictionary class 
    WeakValueDictionary class 
WeakValueDictionary class (weakref module) 
weave package 
web servers, subclassing BaseHTTPServer 
Webware  2nd 
    Cheetah and 
Wednesday attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
Weekday attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
weekday function (calendar module) 
wfile method (HTTPServer object) 
where command (pdb module) 
where function (Numeric module) 
whichdb function (whichdb module) 
whichdb module 
    whichdb function 
while statements 
    else clause 
    line indents in Python programs 
    regular expressions 
    separating tokens 
    strings of 
whitespace attribute (string module) 
widget attribute (Event object) 
Widget class (Tkinter module) 
    after method 
    after_cancel method 
    after_idle method 
    bind method 
    bind_all method 
    cget method 
    config method 
    focus_set method 
    grab_release method 
    grab_set method 
    grid method 
    grid_forget method 
    grid_info method 
    mainloop method 
    pack method 
    pack_forget method 
    pack_info method 
    place method 
    place_forget method 
    place_info method 
    quit method 
    unbind method 
    unbind_all method 
    update method 
    update_idletasks method 
    wait_variable method 
    wait_visibility method 
    wait_window method 
    winfo_height method 
    winfo_width method 
widgets  2nd 
    color options 
        top-level windows 
    length options 
        entry options 
        coupling with scrollbars 
        marks on 
        tags on 
    text entry fields 
    Tkinter module 
win32all extensions 
win32all package 
Window class (curses module)
    addstr method 
    clrtobot method 
    clrtoeot method 
    delch method 
    deleteln method 
    erase method 
    getch method 
    getyz method 
    insstr method 
    move method 
    nodelay method 
    refresh method 
window_create method (Text object) 
    applications, embedding/extending Python with COM 
    CGI scripting on 
    file ownership 
    installing Python from binaries 
        binary package for 32-bit version of 
    installing Python from source 
        building for debugging 
        building source with Visual C++ 
        uncompressing/unpacking source code 
    keys into os.environ 
    mbcs codec 
    mmap function 
    py2exe tool 
    Python IDEs 
    Python scripts 
    resource for further information 
    text editors with Python support 
WindowsError exception 
winfo_height method (Widget object) 
winfo_width method (Widget object) 
Wing IDE 
winutils.zip utilities 
WinZip program 
    uncompressing/unpacking tar archive files 
withdraw method (Toplevel object) 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 
wrapper function (wrapper module) 
wrapper module, wrapper function 
write function
    os module 
    ZipFile class 
write method
    file object 
    mmap object 
    transports object 
write-only file mode 
write_byte method (mmap object) 
write_history_file function (readline module) 
writelines method (file object) 
writeread_all method (Telnet object) 
writestr function (ZipFile class) 
writexml method (Node object) 
wxWindows toolkit